How much money do you think you’re wasting in the kitchen? I can tell you that in every kitchen I’ve organized; at least 3 full garbage bags of expired food get tossed. When was the last time you took everything out of your food pantry down to bare shelves? How many of you actually know what’s hiding in the dark corners of your food cabinets?
Here are 5 ways to save money by having an organized kitchen Itemize and categorize food. There is a great sale at the market for buy two get two free. You get home and there isn’t enough room on one shelf for the items. You end up storing them all over the closet. You now have 4 of the same item floating in different areas. Six months later, you clean out and organize your closet and find those bottles and they have expired. Initially, you thought you were saving money on this great deal but you have just wasted money and thrown it into the garbage along with the food. Keep like items categorized and stored together so it’s easy to find things. Plan ahead. When going to the market, make meal plans ahead of time and then make your food shopping list from your organized food pantry. You’ll avoid purchasing duplicate items and wasting money on things you already have. Many people make the mistake of not checking their food cabinet before they head to the market. Not planning ahead will also allow you to make impulsepurchases and you’ll end up spending more than you planned. Paper products. Don’t forget about paper products, dishes and utensils you keep stocked for casual events or outdoor parties. Keep all these items grouped together. When you’re planning your party, you’ll know exactly what you need to purchase and you won’t be purchasing duplicate items and wasting money. Junk drawers. Many people have junk drawers in the kitchen. Do you really need a junk drawer in the kitchen? Could you utilize that space better? Empty your junk drawer and you may be surprised at what you find. You spent $100 at Target last week but you just found a Target gift card in the back of your junk drawer. You may be wasting money if you are keeping a disorganized junk drawer. Everything should have a home. Never again purchase a duplicate item because you forgot you had it or you couldn’t remember where you placed it. Keep items grouped and categorized together. Don’t scatter items all over the kitchen. When items are categorized together, you’ll know immediately where to find something and you won’t waste money purchasing duplicate items. How are you functioning in your kitchen? Are you wasting time, money and energy in your kitchen? Create a kitchen where you can be efficient and productive. It’s time to give your kitchen an overhaul and have less stress, more free time and more money in your pocket. Comments are closed.
AuthorKristin has written over 500 articles. Her column, Organized Energized Living, can be found twice a month in the Coastal Breeze. She also wrote a weekly column for GoLocalProv from 2012-2018 and has been featured in local and national publications. She is author of the book, Living an Organized, Energized Life! For more info on how to purchase, click here. Archives
November 2024