If you are a disorganized person, you probably don’t function with working organized systems. You will find that throughout your home there are probably bags of random items, rooms full of stuff that haven’t been looked at in years and closets that are exploding at the seams. You are probably purchasing duplicate items because you don’t know exactly what you really have. You are also probably wasting precious time searching for things.
If there aren’t any organized systems in place, you are going to find that once you decide to tackle a project, there may be many layers to that project. I think it’s really funny when I’m working with my clients and their husbands will come home and say, “What have you been doing for the past 3 hours? It looks like nothing has been accomplished.” If you are decluttering and organizing and taking the entire room apart, there are going to be layers, and at the end of 3 hours it may look like nothing has been accomplished. When there are layers to a room, your project is probably going to be a little more complicated than you thought. The contents of every bag, every piece of paper, article of clothing and anything else in that room will be touched and gone through piece by piece. Why Do These Layers Form? These layers form because when there aren’t any systems in place; people will throw items into a bag or throw them in a closet or a pile. Usually, if there aren’t systems in place, people don’t want to take the time to create the system so things will just get thrown. Before you know it, you have piles all over the house, in bags, in closets and some really important stuff is getting mixed in with the non-important stuff. As you are peeling back the layers, nothing found is ever categorized so this process will also take a little time, because you are sorting through all types of random items. What’s in the layers? Items that don’t have a designated spot in your home will get tossed in the layers. Anything that you don’t have a system for will get tossed in the layers. You’ll state that you will get to it later, but it gets tossed in a room and you will forget that you threw it in there and it will become part of the layers. There will be important papers, money, memorabilia, and some unimportant items too. How much time have you wasted searching for those items? How much money have you wasted purchasing duplicate items that were found in the layers? Comments are closed.
AuthorKristin has written over 350 articles. Her column, Organized Energized Living, can be found twice a month in the Coastal Breeze. She also wrote a weekly column for GoLocalProv from 2012-2018 and has been featured in local and national publications. She is author of the book, Living an Organized, Energized Life! For more info on how to purchase, click here. Archives
March 2024